Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Insights on the fear that Muslims will become the largest group in the world

November 20, 2009 (just getting this posted)
A friend recently forwarded some information about a video meant to scare people about the Muslims purposely having large families so they become the dominant group in every country. After I watched it, I emailed my friend:
The population problem isn't simple. However, some things to consider: the U.S. used to mostly have large families, but doesn't now. Why? The need for more children was (as is still the case in other cultures) for children to help in the fields, and for making sure enough children survived to adulthood to take care of the parents when they could no longer work. The developed countries no longer have that need, and the women have access to birth-control pills and devices. For the same reasons, probably immigrants from the developing countries will have lower birthrates as they assimilate.
Moreover, at various times in the U.S., large numbers of citizens have decried people like the Wops (Italians), the Micks (Irish), and so on. Remember the history books talking about signs that said "No dogs and no Jews allowed"? Or "No Wops need apply"? Yet they all assimilated, and are considered normal Americans -- even though they aren't Protestants. Same thing with Muslims.
Also, the video urges us to act. What can we do? Allow no immigrants (but the video says we need Latinos to keep up "American" birth rates, and we haven't been able to keep illegals out anyway). Pay "Americans" to have more children, or change the tax structure to favor those with more children, as long as they aren't Muslims? Make contraception illegal? But we already need more money to keep up basic services such as highways, and are facing really big problems of not enough water in the near future. So is the right solution to increase our population by large amounts?
Hope you can see, then, that the best solutions are
1) to help legal "furriners" to assimilate, and
2) help the "old countries" to improve their economic and political situations so that fewer people feel compelled to move to the developed countries. Because people don't emigrate if they can do well in their own countries.
Hope this helps your thinking! 

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