Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Correcting the scare that Muslims are told to kill non-believers, continued

My friend replied to my earlier December 30th email about the Muslims told to kill all non-believers, saying

I know you think everything you read on Snopes is the gospel truth, but I wonder who is behind
that website, who writes the comments and what axe do they have to grind?  Who says they have the
only truth???  I will stick with the real Truth that I believe in and remember that most of what
I read in emails, hear on TV or read in an article is probably NOT the truth at all.  I think my
New Year's resolution will be to NOT forward another email....period!  That would also save me a
great deal of time.....I will give that serious thought. 

Thanks again for your comments!!  You always help keep me on the straight and narrow road.

Later that day, I replied:

I don't necessarily think everything on Snopes is 100% true, for human beings can make mistakes. However, I do know that they are trying to report the facts; they have "no axe to grind." Whereas the emails we get forwarded to us, we don't know anything about who originally put them together. They could have purposely made up the "facts," or not tried to make sure of their facts. Or they could be reporting accurately! So it's best to get the equivalent of the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval.

Moreover, you'll recall an email I forwarded which said that many of these emails are sent out just to get us to forward them, because a hidden part of the email sends the eddresses back to the originator so he can send out spam.

So it behooves us as responsible people to at least check with Snopes. Then, if we do forward something, we at least know it's true!

As to possibly not forwarding any emails at all, that does need serious thought! But uplifting thoughts and photos, they're worth sharing, don't you think?

"You're welcome" for your compliment about "keeping you on the straight and narrow road." I'd rather not be doing so, but then I think of all the people my friends forward to who forward to others who.... and decide I should try to help keep false emails from reverberating around the Internet for years to come!


Obituary for the United States?

January 2, 2010

A friend forwarded a made-up obituary of the U.S. (see below). I forwarded it to some friends, with this note:

I'd read the election statistics before, but I don't recall the addition of the illegals numbers, and what that portends.

The problem with the apathy is that it is so widespread. The Tea Parties and the interest in meetings with Congresscritters were heartwarming, but most congresscritters poohpoohed them. The question is whether or not the people who attended these Parties, etc., will actually get to the polls in the Primaries and the General Election, and whether enough of them attend the party primary meetings election night.

I figure you'll vote, but will you go to the primary precinct convention election night? And vote intelligently that night? And get others to go, too? Don't you agree that, writ large, that's what it's going to take?

Be sure and read to the end….
          Born 1776, Died 2008          
It does not hurt to read this several times.
Scroll down     


    Professor Joseph Olson of   Hamline University School of Law,   St. Paul ,   Minnesota , points out some interesting facts concerning last November's Presidential election:

  • Number of States won by: Obama: 19    McCain: 29
  • Square miles of land won by: Obama: 580,000    McCain: 2,427,000
Population of counties won by: Obama: 127 million 
                                                   McCain: 143 million
Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by:
Obama: 13.2    McCain: 2.1

   Professor Olson adds: "In aggregate, the map of the territory McCain won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country.

    Obama territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in low income tenements and living off various forms of government welfare..."

    Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the "complacency and apathy" phase of Professor Tyler's definition of democracy, with some forty percent of the nation's population already having reached the "governmental dependency" phase.

    If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal invaders  called  illegals and they vote, then we can say goodbye to the  USA in fewer than five years. 

       If you are in favor of this, then by all means, delete this message.

If you are not, then pass this along to help everyone realize just how much is at stake, knowing that apathy is the greatest danger to our freedom.

Correcting the scare that Muslims are told to kill all non-believers

December 30, 2009

A friend forwarded to me an email that purported to report a get-together of various religions in which a Muslim imam was forced to acknowledge that all Muslims are required to kill non-believers. Here is my reply:

It really pays to check with Snopes first. See BTW, it was easy to look up. I just put the name of the man in the search box, and the exact email showed up, with Snopes' explanation of the real situation.

Let's look at the bigger picture. We may disagree with others, but surely you understand that we shouldn't tar all of a certain kind of people as inherently evil because of the actions of a few -- whether they are Muslims, blacks, Democrats -- or Christians or Republicans!

Insights on the fear that Muslims will become the largest group in the world

November 20, 2009 (just getting this posted)
A friend recently forwarded some information about a video meant to scare people about the Muslims purposely having large families so they become the dominant group in every country. After I watched it, I emailed my friend:
The population problem isn't simple. However, some things to consider: the U.S. used to mostly have large families, but doesn't now. Why? The need for more children was (as is still the case in other cultures) for children to help in the fields, and for making sure enough children survived to adulthood to take care of the parents when they could no longer work. The developed countries no longer have that need, and the women have access to birth-control pills and devices. For the same reasons, probably immigrants from the developing countries will have lower birthrates as they assimilate.
Moreover, at various times in the U.S., large numbers of citizens have decried people like the Wops (Italians), the Micks (Irish), and so on. Remember the history books talking about signs that said "No dogs and no Jews allowed"? Or "No Wops need apply"? Yet they all assimilated, and are considered normal Americans -- even though they aren't Protestants. Same thing with Muslims.
Also, the video urges us to act. What can we do? Allow no immigrants (but the video says we need Latinos to keep up "American" birth rates, and we haven't been able to keep illegals out anyway). Pay "Americans" to have more children, or change the tax structure to favor those with more children, as long as they aren't Muslims? Make contraception illegal? But we already need more money to keep up basic services such as highways, and are facing really big problems of not enough water in the near future. So is the right solution to increase our population by large amounts?
Hope you can see, then, that the best solutions are
1) to help legal "furriners" to assimilate, and
2) help the "old countries" to improve their economic and political situations so that fewer people feel compelled to move to the developed countries. Because people don't emigrate if they can do well in their own countries.
Hope this helps your thinking!