Friday, May 27, 2011

Understand what's really going on with Social Security and attempts to change the system

A friend forwarded to me a diatribe about former Sen. Alan Simpson and his supposed attack on Social Security. You can find it on
Let me comment on this.
The Snopes info wasn't as thorough as some times. So let me add a few things.
When Social Security began, the average age at death was 63. So having benefits extending to 65 wasn't realistic. Today, the average age at death is something like 85. Quite a few years after retirement -- to be paid for by our children and grandchildren! Because, as you probably will recall reading about, current Social Security payments have paid for the older people then retired! Our money was promptly used, we don't have a savings account like Chile does. The GOP tried to get this savings-account system set up several years ago, but it was shot down.

Also, in the early years, something like 17 workers' Social Security payments paid for each retiree. Now there are only 2 or 3 workers payments available for paying for each current retiree. So the system is in dire need of revamping. Simpson was one of the two tasked with figuring out how to reduce the trillions of dollars that the U.S. is in debt to others (mainly the Chinese). He wasn't personally responsible for the current system vis a vis what Congresscritters get. Moreover, he wasn't in Congress for 50 years,but for 18!
So instead of excoriating him, praise him for trying to keep the U.S. from going bankrupt, and thus leaving retirees with nothing.

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