Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Muslims worshipping on NYC streets doesn't threaten Christians or U.S.

A friend of mine forwarded an email up in arms because Muslim adherents have been worshipping in the streets outside three NYC mosques because there was no room for them inside. I'm responding to that email:

"A Christian Nation"

This isn't a Christian Nation. This is a nation that includes a lot of Christians, but the nation is secular -- the First Amendment guarantees it!

"cannot put up a Christmas scene of the baby Jesus in a public place,"

but such a scene can be any place somebody wants it, and the owner of the property okays it, providing it is not a government-owned place.

"but the Muslims can stop normal traffic every Friday afternoon by worshiping in the streets... "

This would be wrong whether it is done by Muslims, Protestants, Catholics, Buddhists, etc. The police should clear the sidewalks and the streets. It's not safe, and it's interfering with others just trying to get somewhere. Please notice that the reason that the police haven't done this to non-Muslims is that these religions don't have as many adherents
"Something is happening in America that is reminiscent of what is happening in Europe. This is Political Correctness gone crazy.  "

And what is "happening" in Europe? Way too vague! 

"With regard to that one [the proposed mosque near Ground Zero], the "Imam" refuses to disclose where the $110 million dollars to build it is coming from and there is a lawsuit filed to force disclosure of that information."

Why should that info be revealed? Does the Catholic or Episcopal churches reveal such? Yes, it's possible that some nefarious radical group is funding it, but why? They use the money they get for weapons, IUDs, etc.! Unless you think that, once the mosque is built, they'll tunnel from it to Ground Zero -- and do what?

"Is there a message here????  Yes, there is, and they are claiming America for Allah.  If we don't wake up soon, we are going to "politically correct" ourselves right out of our own country!"

Let me get this straight. It's okay for Christians to "claim" America for God, but it's not all right for other religions to do so for their god? Even though the First Amendment guarantees freedom of and from religion?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Response to Open "You scare me" Letter to Pres. Obama

A friend recently forwarded an essay (really an open letter to Pres. Barack Obama)  from Lou Pritchett, who has been an executive with Proctor & Gamble. The email included a link to, which reported that this was a legitimate essay.

I'll comment on the essay's points:
You scare me because after months of exposure, I know nothing about you.

 You scare me because I do not know how you paid for your expensive 
 Ivy League education and your upscale lifestyle and housing with no 
 visible signs of support.

The news has given accounts of Obama's life. Perhaps more could be written, but if the writer, Lou Pritchett, doesn't know anything, it's because he's chosen not to learn. For example, Obama worked as a community organizer before he got enough money to go to Harvard Law School. He and Michelle both had sizable loans to pay off after they graduated  She eventually got a good job as an executive with a hospital. I suspect that they had help, probably from the Daley machine, in getting where they got. But they also worked hard.
You scare me because you did not spend the formative years of youth 
 growing up in America and culturally you are not an American

Obama spent several years in Indonesia as a young child, but most of his life he has lived in the U.S. He mainly lived with his grandparents, who were white, and lived their lives in the U.S. So he is culturally American.

You scare me because you have never run a company or met a payroll.

Most presidents have not, either. Bush the younger was involved in companies, but never the manager.


You scare me because you have never had military experience, thus 
 don't understand it at its core.
That is true about other presidents (such as Clinton), as well as most of Congress. George W. Bush was technically in the military, but his family kept him from actually being in harm's way.
 You scare me because you lack humility and 'class', always blaming others.
Oh? Give examples. And also give examples where previous presidents didn't blame others! This is one of many attacks, by Pritchett and by others, where they make vague accusations against Obama, with no proof. These people hope to get citizens upset by such generalizations. it's like saying "he's against apple pie" (without knowing it to be so), expecting knee-jerk reactions because "every American" likes apple pie.
You scare me because for over half your life you have aligned 
 yourself with radical extremists who hate America and you refuse to 
 publicly denounce these radicals who wish to see  America fail..
Yes, it's odd that he hasn't stayed away from, and denounced, the extremist from the 60s, and his minister for twenty years. However, Rev. Wright isn't wanting to see America fail, he's just more than fed up with the way most white Americans treat most blacks.
 You scare me because you are a cheerleader for the 'blame America ' 
 crowd and deliver this message abroad.
I know he's done this several times. That's wrong, as he did it; but it's good to have humility and acknowledge our faults, too, don't you think? People in other countries are fed up with our "Americans always know best, and we'll tell you what to do."
 You scare me because you want to change America to a European style 
 country where the government sector dominates instead of the private sector.
I completely agree with that!

 You scare me because you want to replace our health care system
 with a government controlled one.
Yup, I agree with the writer here. But we should be scared of all the Democrats that have wanted this, not just Obama!

 You scare me because you prefer 'wind mills' to responsibly
 capitalizing on our own vast oil, coal and shale reserves.
It should be obvious to everyone that our reserves are no longer vast, and that the acquisition, transportation, and use of oil and gas cause unacceptable pollution (air and rivers, as well as the Gulf oil spill and other spills). Thus we need wind mills, solar power, and every other kind of energy. Obama isn't "preferring" wind mills, which are far from ready to provide enough power, but he is prudent to push development of all kinds of energy.

 You scare me because you want to kill the American capitalist goose
 that lays the golden egg which provides the highest standard of
 living in the world.
Yup. But Obama isn't alone in this. Obama and other liberal Democrats
see government as the answer to every problem. The "American capitalist goose" has provided a lot of good, but also a lot of problems. America has many people who have fallen out of the middle class, or never been able to rise that high, because of some people wanting ever more power and wealth. Some of these people contribute to both Democrats and Republicans, most of whom vote accordingly.
 You scare me because you have begun to use 'extortion' tactics
 against certain banks and corporations.
That scares me, too -- but, again, it's Obama and the Democrats!
 You scare me because your own political party shrinks from
 challenging you on your wild and irresponsible spending proposals.
The Democrats aren't shrinking from challenging him -- they're in it with him!

 You scare me because you will not openly listen to or even consider
 opposing points of view from intelligent people.
Oh, really? Give examples. But certainly the Democrats have shown this, by having committee meetings that exclude Republican congresspeople.

 You scare me because you falsely believe that you are both
 omnipotent and omniscient.
Come on, now! Give even one example of where Obama has shown this! And certainly no president thinks of himself as "omnipotent" with even his own party not kowtowing, much less leaders in other governments!

 You scare me because the media gives you a free pass on everything
 you do.
It's certainly true that the media isn't doing much in the way of investigative journalism these days. They also gave both Clinton and George W. free passes, when there were many reasons to investigate thoroughly.

There are several reasons for these free passes, among them
1) there are only five media groups in the world, now. The owners don't have any reason to rock the boat, since it's easier to donate to Congresscritters. Moreover, their involvement might come to light with thorough investigations.
2) the Internet provides a lot of information; alas, it's not all accurate.

 You scare me because you demonize and want to silence the
 Limbaugh's, Hannity's, O'Reillys and Becks who offer opposing
 conservative points of view.
Again, give examples!

 You scare me because you prefer controlling over governing.
Once more: give examples! I can see it with the health-care changes, where government will control choices. But give more examples, including where he has been against governing.

 Finally, you scare me because if you serve a second term I will
 probably not feel safe in writing a similar letter in 8 years.
I'm concerned about this, too! But only because the Democrats will support him. One bright spot is that some of the experts predict that enough Democrats will lose in the House races to evict Pelosi. Therefore many liberal Democrat dreams of taking away liberties will be thwarted -- at least for two years!

 This letter was sent to the NY Times but they never acknowledged it.
 Big surprise. Since it hit the internet, however, it has had over
 500,000 hits.
One reason could be how very long it is. Every newspaper has limited space, and allows only a few hundred words for a letter. But NYT could have printed it as a guest editorial on the Op Ed page, if asked.

Keep it going. All that is necessary for evil to succeed
 is that good men do nothing. It's happening right now.*
And not just with this essay. We all have to be vigilant, and loud in protest!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Comment on Health-care system in trouble, says hospital spokeswoman

A friend emailed me about 76684-healthcare.wmv

I replied:

Very interesting. This isn't just some anonymous email that you can't determine whether or not it's accurate. Unless these people are excellent actors, this is true.

The questions include

  • why aren't the Feds interested in returning these illegals to their home countries?
  • how much would health-care costs go down for the rest of us if our hospitals didn't have to accommodate these illegals who aren't paying anything?
Please note that most illegals do pay something; but since they (and many poor people who aren't illegals) use emergency rooms, which are far more costly than private clinics, the losses to the health-care system is much higher than would otherwise be the case.

Don't you think we didn't need the health-care changes the Democrats in Congress forced on us; we just need better thought on such things as this brings out?

Response to David Barton's talk on In Touch radio show 10/30/09

This is my response to an email entitled "Man takes interesting position" which I just received. It is a transcript of a 10/30/09 interview of Dr.David Barton on the In Touch radio program.

Green is the original email, black is the response.
Dr. David Barton is more of a historian than a Biblical speaker, but very famous for his knowledge of historical facts as well as Biblical truths. 
Barton was Vice Chair of the Texas GOP for six or eight years. At each state convention, he played videos he had produced which purported to show that the Founding Fathers had meant for the U.S. to be a Christian nation. His interpretation of American history is not factual. Writings at the time the Constitution was written show very clearly that the people then were very concerned that there be freedom of and from religion. At that time, the Baptists and the Quakers were being treated harshly by the other religions. Some of them were exiled from towns. In a few instances, they were killed for adhering to the wrong religion. Jefferson himself was a deist -- acknowledging there is a God, but not adhering to any particular religion.
Some far-right conservatives subsequently placed Barton and at least one other so-called expert in a small group of experts to determine what should be in the government textbooks for Texas for the next ten years. Most of the others were really experts – historians, history teachers, etc. A few were like Barton, just Christians who wanted their views to take precedence over facts, just as they had tried to force “intelligent design” over the exhaustively proven evolution.
His diatribe is full of “strawman” enemies – i.e., attributing to Obama, the Democrats, the liberals, the entertainers, etc. whatever wrongs he thinks people will react to, without any proof .

About Obama
-I do not share his view that America is Arrogant; 
When has Obama said that America is “Arrogant”? Give details, if you can! But remember the novel, The Ugly American? Published in the 60s, I think. It showed clearly that many Americans do act arrogantly. People in other nations like America and the basic American, but are upset with Americans arrogantly thinking they can dictate to other countries.
- I do not share his view that America is not a Christian Nation;

I’ve already shown that America isn’t a “Christian” Nation, Yes, the country has more people who consider themselves Christians than any other religion, but the Constitution makes it clear that no religion -- including Christianity -- is the official religion. This is a bulwark even for Christians, because what brand of Christianity is “the” Christian religion? Baptists, with at least two branches? Episcopalians, with two branches? Certainly not the minor Christian religions. So if one Christian religion is the official version, they can run rough-shod over the other Christian religions. And treat non-Christian religions even more poorly! Do you really want that?

- I do not share his view that the military should be reduced by 25%; 
When did Obama talk about that? What does the military say? More importantly, should any “Christian” be in favor of any armed conflict? After all, in Gethsemanee, Jesus healed the man whose ear was cut off, rather than have any violence. He also said “turn the other cheek,” and “love one another.” Moreover, early Christians meekly went to their deaths in the arena, rather than fight. And is it Christian when some of our soldiers kill innocent civilians? Furthermore,  the U.S. sells weapons to both sides in most conflicts . And the hundreds of billions spent on our wars could go a long way to help people in need.
 - I do not share his view of amnesty and giving more to illegals than our American Citizens who need help;  
I’m not in favor of amnesty, either, but we sure aren’t “giving more to illegals than our American Citizens who need help” Illegals are what, 15 million? In a country of close to 350 million?

- I do not share his views that Radical Islam is our friend and Israel is our enemy who should give up any land;
Barton is just setting up a strawman.  Obama hasn’t said “Radical Islam” is our friend; on the contrary, he’s doing everything he can to keep Islamic radicals from killing Americans. Obama is certainly aware that normal Islam is a major player in the world, especially since it has so much oil and gas.
Further,  Barton is way off-base in accusing Obama of treating Israel as an enemy. However, Israel isn’t perfect. It has treated the Palestinian people very poorly – one might say very unChristianly! Many American presidents and Congresspeople have urged Israel to let the Palestinians have the land they need to have their own independent nation. That would do much to eliminate one of the main causes of these terrorists!

- I do not share his spiritual beliefs (at least the ones he has made public); 
Uh, Barton…in the U.S., by the Constitution, everyone has a right to his or her own spiritual beliefs.

- I do not share his beliefs on how to re-work the healthcare system in America ; 
I agree with Barton!

- I do not share his Strategic views of the Middle East ;
Such as? After all, as long as the U.S. and other countries need oil and gas, and some of it comes from the Middle East, what should the U.S. do? And don’t forget, Obama is basically following the same strategies of earlier administrations, including the Republican ones!
- I certainly do not share his plan to sit down with terrorist regimes such as Iran .. 
So Barton’s against the Bible? Recall that Isaiah 1:18 says, “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”
It can’t hurt to discuss things, and perhaps such a discussion will make progress.

Bottom line: my America is vastly different from Obama's, and I have a higher obligation to my Country and my GOD to do what is Right ! 
Doesn’t Barton think that Obama also feels the same “higher obligation…to do what is right”? And that he, too, thinks he is doing it for America and God? But he understands the Constitution better – he doesn’t couch what he does in terms of his God telling him what to do.
I sure don’t want Obama’s socialistic views to take over the country, but let’s not wrap ourselves in our views of God. After all, the Nazis and the Japanese in WWII were convinced that God was on their side.
The better question is, “Are we on God’s side?” That requires a lot of humility, and listening. And not telling others “do as I do, because I understand God better than you do.”
For eight (8) years, the Liberals in our Society, led by numerous entertainers who would have no platform and no real credibility but for their celebrity status,
Who gave these celebrities their status? This nation of “Christians”!

They have not moved toward the center in their beliefs and their philosophies, and they never came together nor compromised their personal beliefs for the betterment of our Country! 
How Barton is lacking in humility! These people could say the same to him, that he hasn’t moved to the center, etc. for “the betterment of our Country!”  He is willing to have Texas children grow up with a false view of history, because he demands that his view is the only one!

They have portrayed my America as a land where everything is tolerated except being intolerant ! 
Again, if America is a “Christian” nation, how come these people are listened to, watched, etc?

They have been a vocal and irreverent minority for years ! 
Uh, Barton… have you heard about the freedom of speech the Constitution gives?
They have mocked and attacked the very core values so important to the founding and growth of our Country ! 
No, this is another strawman – they aren’t ”attacking the core values so  important to the founding  of our Country.” They aren’t attacking Christianity, which is one of numerous religions having similar core values. They aren’t attacking, they are doing their own thing.
Barton rails against both entertainers and liberals. The entertainers he is upset about react to their audiences. If the audiences don’t like what is sung/acted, the entertainers would either quit, or change what they sing/act. So Barton is really upset with the Christians who flock to these entertainers\!
The liberals have just as much right as the conservatives to their viewpoints. Barton is wrong to try to characterize these people as evil.

They have made every effort to remove the name of GOD or Jesus Christ from our Society ! 
No, Barton. Most liberals are just as Christian as you are, they just see things differently.  Those people, both liberal and conservative, who seek to “remove the name of GOD or Jesus Christ” aren’t trying to remove them from Society -- they are making sure they aren’t forced on people! The First Amendment means you can pray aloud with people who want to do the same, and silently anywhere; you just can’t force others to listen to prayers to God and Jesus or Allah or Buddha, or see religious names on public places.
They have challenged capital punishment, …
Uh huh, Barton, you sure show how Christian you are (NOT) if you favor capital punishment. You might recall the Ten Commandments that you so want to have on public buildings? Might you recall the one that says “Thou shalt not kill”? No weaseling out of this!
[challenged….] the right to bear firearms,
Another strawman argument – it’s not a liberal vs. conservative issue. The effort to ban owning handguns has involved people like the Bradys (he was shot when Pres. Reagan was). And the Supreme Court, with a number of liberals, have made it quite clear that citizens do have the right.
[challenged] the most basic principles of our criminal code !  

Another strawman argument! What “principles of our criminal code”?
They have attacked one of the most fundamental of all Freedoms, the right of free speech ! 
And when was this? A lot of vague accusations, Barton! Not good for the “Christian” core values!

I am sure many of you who read this think that I am going overboard, but I refuse to retreat one more inch in favor of those whom I believe are the embodiment of Evil! 
If you hadn’t already convicted yourself by what you have said previously, this alone would do it.
·         “retreat one more inch”? who’s asking you to? After all, the Constitution guarantees  your rights – and those of others, whom you are trying to keep from having the same rights!
          “the embodiment of evil”? whoa, you are far outside both Christianity and American ideals! Now, Hitler and his henchmen were “embodiments of evil.” But Americans who disagree with you? What if they said that you are “the embodiment of evil”? You aren’t much of a Biblical scholar to forget Acts 10:28, where Peter said to Cornelius,
Ye know how that it is an unlawful thing for a man that is a Jew to keep company, or come unto one of another nation; but God hath shewed me that I should not call any man common or unclean.
Or “evil”!
….I believe that he [Bush] weighed his decisions in light of the long established Judeo-Christian principles of our Founding Fathers!!! 
Bush probably did weigh his decisions through Judeo-Christian principles, but they weren’t “the principles of our Founding Fathers.” Those were and are principles of many religions, but also principles important to those who have no religion.

Majority rules in America , and I will honor the concept;
Although in some respects the majority rules, America’s greatness embodies the concept that minorities also have rights. And that compromise is often the way to go.
 I will fight with all of my power to be a voice in opposition to Obama and his "goals for America .."
I am going to be a thorn in the side of those who, if left unchecked, will destroy our Country ! !  Any more compromise is more defeat ! 
More power to you for fighting for what you believe in. Just don’t demonize the others, for they feel strongly that they are in the right, and that you personify “evil.”
I pray that the results of this election will wake up many who have sat on the sidelines and allowed the Socialist-Marxist anti-GOD crowd to slowly change so much of what has been good in  America !

I certainly agree with you about the Socialist-Marxist crowd,  just disagree that they are anti-God. Some might be, but most are for their version of God, which is just as valid as your version is for you.
To summarize
·         don’t use vague generalities (you forgot to label the others as also against motherhood and apple pie) to get knee-jerk reactions from others;
·         don’t claim that you have the inside track on what is true Christianity;
·         don’t demonize others just because they disagree with you; and, most importantly:
·         don’t claim that America is a Christian nation, the First Amendment and the Founding Fathers say otherwise!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What is really going on with the Moslems planning a mosque near Ground Zero?

A friend just forwarded the link to a YouTube video about Moslems in relation to the plan to have a thirteen-story mosque built near Ground Zero.

This does give you pause for thought!

We need to realize, though, that the vast majority of Moslems are law-abiding and truly friends with Americans who aren't Moslems. However, clearly, quite a few do pay attention to the Q'uran's pronouncements. Given the historical references to how the centers of power of those the Moslems conquered were built on (which I hadn't realized before), it would not be wise to have the Moslems build on Ground Zero. How far away is okay, I'm not sure. It could be said that it wouldn't be good to let them build anywhere in the business district of NYC, since NYC is the center of American economic power. They may not have in mind to build on our power base, but it sure doesn't seem that they are doing it to honor the victims of 9/11, does it?

Few Moslem leaders, in the U.S. or in other countries, condemned the 9/11 attacks -- or, at least said so such that the American press publicized such comments.

However, we must also recall that Christians have been less than "Christian" in their dealings with the Moslems. You will recall the Crusades, and thereafter? The religion that supposedly follows Jesus, who said "Turn the other cheek"? And yet the crusaders killed and raped hundreds of thousands of Moslems, burned and pillaged their villages, and partitioned the conquered territory into lands run by Western opportunists. That's why Iraq is in the shape it's in -- it wasn't partitioned according to the tribes and peoples who lived in an area, but combined many tribes who weren't at peace with each other into unstable "countries" set up for maximizing the wealth of the Western countries and governors.

Perhaps the best course of action is to be alert, and wary. As President Ronald Reagan said, "Trust but verify." Also, to do everything we can to keep American youth (Moslem and non-Moslem) from becoming disaffected. And to persuade the Arabic countries to change the education system so that young people of both genders get real educations that will lead to good jobs, versus the current system in which boys are only taught to memorize the Q'uran.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Correcting the scare that Muslims are told to kill non-believers, continued

My friend replied to my earlier December 30th email about the Muslims told to kill all non-believers, saying

I know you think everything you read on Snopes is the gospel truth, but I wonder who is behind
that website, who writes the comments and what axe do they have to grind?  Who says they have the
only truth???  I will stick with the real Truth that I believe in and remember that most of what
I read in emails, hear on TV or read in an article is probably NOT the truth at all.  I think my
New Year's resolution will be to NOT forward another email....period!  That would also save me a
great deal of time.....I will give that serious thought. 

Thanks again for your comments!!  You always help keep me on the straight and narrow road.

Later that day, I replied:

I don't necessarily think everything on Snopes is 100% true, for human beings can make mistakes. However, I do know that they are trying to report the facts; they have "no axe to grind." Whereas the emails we get forwarded to us, we don't know anything about who originally put them together. They could have purposely made up the "facts," or not tried to make sure of their facts. Or they could be reporting accurately! So it's best to get the equivalent of the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval.

Moreover, you'll recall an email I forwarded which said that many of these emails are sent out just to get us to forward them, because a hidden part of the email sends the eddresses back to the originator so he can send out spam.

So it behooves us as responsible people to at least check with Snopes. Then, if we do forward something, we at least know it's true!

As to possibly not forwarding any emails at all, that does need serious thought! But uplifting thoughts and photos, they're worth sharing, don't you think?

"You're welcome" for your compliment about "keeping you on the straight and narrow road." I'd rather not be doing so, but then I think of all the people my friends forward to who forward to others who.... and decide I should try to help keep false emails from reverberating around the Internet for years to come!


Obituary for the United States?

January 2, 2010

A friend forwarded a made-up obituary of the U.S. (see below). I forwarded it to some friends, with this note:

I'd read the election statistics before, but I don't recall the addition of the illegals numbers, and what that portends.

The problem with the apathy is that it is so widespread. The Tea Parties and the interest in meetings with Congresscritters were heartwarming, but most congresscritters poohpoohed them. The question is whether or not the people who attended these Parties, etc., will actually get to the polls in the Primaries and the General Election, and whether enough of them attend the party primary meetings election night.

I figure you'll vote, but will you go to the primary precinct convention election night? And vote intelligently that night? And get others to go, too? Don't you agree that, writ large, that's what it's going to take?

Be sure and read to the end….
          Born 1776, Died 2008          
It does not hurt to read this several times.
Scroll down     


    Professor Joseph Olson of   Hamline University School of Law,   St. Paul ,   Minnesota , points out some interesting facts concerning last November's Presidential election:

  • Number of States won by: Obama: 19    McCain: 29
  • Square miles of land won by: Obama: 580,000    McCain: 2,427,000
Population of counties won by: Obama: 127 million 
                                                   McCain: 143 million
Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by:
Obama: 13.2    McCain: 2.1

   Professor Olson adds: "In aggregate, the map of the territory McCain won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country.

    Obama territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in low income tenements and living off various forms of government welfare..."

    Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the "complacency and apathy" phase of Professor Tyler's definition of democracy, with some forty percent of the nation's population already having reached the "governmental dependency" phase.

    If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal invaders  called  illegals and they vote, then we can say goodbye to the  USA in fewer than five years. 

       If you are in favor of this, then by all means, delete this message.

If you are not, then pass this along to help everyone realize just how much is at stake, knowing that apathy is the greatest danger to our freedom.